Just like a regular wallet, you may need a cryptocurrency wallet to hold and protect your Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency. While a crypto exchange might offer a basic wallet, a specialized crypto wallet brings extra security to your holdings, reducing the chances they can be stolen.

Here are some of the best crypto wallets and the basics to know about how they work.

Best Bitcoin or crypto wallets

The most popular digital crypto wallets include the following:

  • Exodus Bitcoin & Crypto Wallet
  • Trezor T
  • Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet
  • Ledger Nano X
  • Edge
  • Wasabi Wallet

What is a crypto wallet and what does it do?

Like a physical wallet, a digital wallet can hold your currency, in this case cryptocurrency. And since your digital currency exists nowhere but in the decentralized electronic network that manages and tracks it, your digital wallet must be able to interact with that network.

While experts use the term “wallet” to describe what secures your crypto assets, it might be more accurate to think of it as a (heavily fortified) address to which your money is accounted. So in a crypto’s distributed ledger – like a long-running receipt of all the transactions in the currency – a wallet says “any assets directed to this address belong to the owner of this wallet.”

In a general sense, you couldn’t have crypto coins without a wallet. There’s simply no place to put your cash. So even exchanges such as Coinbase and payment apps such as CashApp and PayPal provide a basic wallet for transactions, even if it doesn’t meet the needs of heavy users.

And there are differences between investing in crypto, where the exchange moves and holds the asset, and actually transacting in a cryptocurrency, where a wallet is needed to send and receive money. In the former, the onus to maintain the asset remains with the custodian, while a specialized wallet gives the end user the ability – and the responsibility – to safeguard the asset.

Advantages of crypto wallets

A digital wallet gives you a place to collect payments and acts as a place to store your payment keys so that you can send crypto coins to others. In this first regard, it’s similar to other digital wallets such as CashApp, PayPal or Venmo, which you may already use for regular currency.

A specialized wallet allows users to take possession of coins themselves. In this sense, holding a wallet at an exchange could be likened to keeping your money at a bank, whereas having your own specialized wallet would be like locking down your currency in your own possession.

What separates the specialized payment wallets listed above from more basic ones is a higher level of security and other features that appeal to users with greater demands (or fear). These wallets are not controlled by a third party and so are not subject to the same large-scale threats, such as mass hacking and fraudulent custodians who abscond with their clients’ assets.

This setup means that you – and you alone – may be responsible for maintaining your holdings. Many see this as an advantageous feature, since you needn’t rely on a third party for custody.

Disadvantages of crypto wallets

But the lack of a third party is a knife that cuts both ways, at least when it comes to accessibility.

Again, the wallet metaphor is useful, at least partly: If you drop your real-life wallet, the money may simply disappear, perhaps due to a thief. In the case of a crypto wallet, you may lose the wallet itself, which may be a physical object, or you may lose your wallet’s password, rendering your ownership of the stored currency moot. Either way, you may ultimately lose your crypto.

If you’re using a hardware wallet, it could be subject to physical issues, such as degradation or potentially the destruction or incapacitation of the device via some other means.

A crypto wallet, depending on what kind, may create further problems, in terms of friction, in actually using your cryptocurrency. Some wallets may not be able to transact with certain kinds of coins, while others may be literally offline – making coins near-impervious to electronic theft, but also useless as a means of exchange, though they can later be shifted to a wallet for use.

Some wallets, such as mobile wallets, are better for actual payments on the go, while others, like desktop wallets, are decidedly less amenable to paying for merchandise when you’re out.

And finally there’s the issue of convenience when it comes to payments. Anything that hinders the payment process beyond the swipe or tap of a credit card may make a wallet less useful.

What types of crypto wallets are available?

Broadly speaking, crypto wallets come in two broad categories: hardware wallets, or cold wallets, and software wallets, or hot wallets.

Hardware wallets

A hardware wallet is a wallet that relies on a physical device to secure your cryptocurrency. In the physical sense it’s closer to a real wallet, and looks something like a USB thumb drive. It contains your cryptocurrency keys that allow you to transact in the currency, effectively to own it.

The main advantage of this wallet is that it is not connected to, or rather can be disconnected from, the internet. So without a connection, your coins are not easily subject to electronic theft. But they’re still vulnerable – to loss of the wallet, to physical theft and loss of the password. When you need to move money, you can plug in the wallet to your computer and transact.

So a hardware wallet is designed really for safekeeping and less for transactions, and thus it’s called a cold wallet. Popular makers of hardware wallets include Trezor T and Ledger Nano X.

Software wallets

In contrast, a software wallet relies on software to secure your cryptocurrency. Software wallets are less secure generally than hardware wallets, because they’re connected to the internet. But they’re also meant to be used, as you go about paying for things, so they’re called hot wallets. As you would for a physical wallet, you might want to carry only what you intend to spend.

Hot wallets come in a few varieties depending on how you interface with them:

  • Desktop wallets. With a desktop wallet you download software that manages your crypto holdings from your computer. It’s a reasonable balance between security and convenience, because you can spend money from your wallet but also take it offline when not in use, keeping your wallet inaccessible to would-be thieves.
  • Web wallets. A web wallet is basically a browser plug-in that connects to the blockchain to complete a transaction. You can quickly pop on and off to make a transaction, but the internet connection makes it less secure than a cold wallet.
  • Mobile wallets. A mobile wallet is a good payment solution if you’re using your mobile device, typically Android or iOS, to pay someone.

In some cases, software providers make multiple types of hot wallets, so you can have one solution across multiple devices. Top hot wallets also offer integration with major hardware wallets such as Trezor and Ledger, so consider using wallets that work well together for ease.

Popular hot wallets include Exodus Bitcoin & Crypto Wallet (available in desktop and mobile), Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet (mobile), Edge (mobile) and Wasabi Wallet (desktop).

Other things to consider

Besides the type of wallet and the particular wallet you choose, you’ll want to consider some other factors in your decision.

  • Your needs: What do you need in a wallet? Will you transact regularly or simply hold your cryptocurrency? Regular transactions are better for a hot wallet, while long-term buy-and-hold investors will likely find a cold wallet much more useful. Or you may prefer to keep most of your stash safe in a cold wallet, while you spend a little bit via hot wallet.
  • Cost: Hardware wallets will typically cost you an upfront payment between $60 and $120. Software wallets are free to download but cost a variable per-transaction fee.
  • Support for specific currencies: You’ll want to be sure your wallet supports the specific cryptocurrency you’re dealing in. Sure, Bitcoin is a standard, but maybe that 500th most popular digital currency you’re interested in is not supported. Be sure to check.
  • Convenience: If you’re using a wallet regularly – hot or not – you’ll want to make sure you can use it easily and for its intended purpose. Otherwise, there’s little point.
  • Feature set: Double-check a prospective wallet to ensure it has other features that you need, even beyond just specific currencies. For example, does your software wallet integrate well with a hardware wallet that you’d like to use?

Like any product, you’ll want to make sure it meets your needs. It might be the best wallet in the world, but if it doesn’t have the features you need, it’s not the best for you.

Bottom line

The world of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is new and wild. As you’re looking for a digital wallet, make sure you’re clear on what you want. With potentially a lot of money at stake, you want to feel confident in whatever solution you choose, and more importantly it has to meet your needs.

Editorial Disclaimer: All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into investment strategies before making an investment decision. In addition, investors are advised that past investment product performance is no guarantee of future price appreciation.

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