It’s tax filing time and the perfect opportunity to remind foreign individuals that the U.S. tax laws cast a wide net, ensnaring U.S. tax “residents” not only on their worldwide income, but also requiring special tax reporting for foreign accounts and assets. Whether it’s dividends from a French firm, profits from selling property in Cairo, or even winnings from a Polish lottery, all income is fair game for taxation. The intricate maze of U.S. tax requirements opens the door to harsh penalties for missteps.

It can be jarring for newcomers to discover the complexities. Today’s article explains some important rules, simply.

U.S. Tax Resident

There are two primary paths to U.S. “resident” status: meeting the “green card” test or the “substantial presence” test. In either case, understanding the crucial concept of the “residency starting date” (RSD) is essential. The RSD marks the official date the individual begins to be taxed on worldwide income and becomes responsible for various tax information reporting on foreign assets (e.g., Form 8938, or special filings when owning a foreign corporation).

The “Green Card” Test

Meeting this test is straightforward. A green card holder is an individual who has been granted lawful permanent residence (LPR) in the U.S., commonly called a “green card.” Tax residency continues year to year until it is officially terminated.

“Substantial Presence” Test

The substantial presence test is met for a particular calendar year if the individual is either:

  • physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more during the current calendar year, or,
  • physically present in the U.S. for 183 days or more during the tax year applying a weighted average formula that examines the days of presence over a 3-year period.

Many people mistakenly believe that so long as they are not physically present in the U.S. for 183 days per year, they are not “residents”. This is not true due to the weighted average formula. The substantial presence test will not be triggered under the weighted average formula only if an individual does not spend more than 121 days per calendar year in the U.S.

Residency Starting Date – A Hornet’s Nest of Rules

The RSD is important because as of that date, foreign individuals become subject to U.S. tax on worldwide income and all information reporting rules.

If the individual satisfies the “green card test” at any time during a calendar year but does not meet the “substantial presence test” for that same year, the RSD is the first day in the calendar year on which the individual is physically present in the U.S. as a LPR under the immigration laws.

Under the relevant tax regulations, merely possessing a green card, even if it was never used, can trigger U.S. tax obligations. If an individual meets the green card test for the current year but is not physically present in the U.S. during the current year, then the individual’s RSD is deemed to be January 1 of the following year. This special rule showcases the unforgiving nature of the RSD. “But I never used my green card” and “never set foot in the U.S.” are seemingly irrelevant to the tax man.

Many green card holders also do not realize that once the RSD commences, U.S. tax residency continues until officially terminated. Simply because the card has expired for immigration purposes, does not mean U.S. tax residency has ended. Unless lawful permanent residency is ended by the immigration authorities or by a court, terminating U.S. residency for tax purposes can be accomplished by a voluntary relinquishment of the card according to a prescribed procedure. Until done properly, resident status continues with tax on worldwide income and tax information reporting.

The RSD for an individual meeting the substantial presence test in a particular year is the first day the individual is physically present in the United States during that calendar year.

Immigrants must be aware that there are many nuances to the RSD rules. These can present not only potential problems, but also possible escape hatches.

For example, up to 10 days of physical presence can be disregarded for purposes of the RSD if certain requirements are satisfied; tax treaties with other countries might also provide an escape hatch under treaty tie-breaker rules. One might qualify as an “exempt individual” and be exempt from counting days of physical presence which can impact the RSD. These exceptions require detailed analysis and planning but can be significantly beneficial for those entangled by the RSD rules.

Be Careful With Pre-Immigration Tax Planning

Many foreigners understand the importance of pre-immigration tax planning, yet RSD errors can render that planning ineffective.

A possible trap exists when both the green card and the substantial presence tests are met in the same calendar year. The RSD is the earlier of the two dates when the individual was first physically present in America while meeting each test.

This rule can have an impact when the individual was physically present in the U.S. at an earlier time in the same year as the year in which he later obtains a green card.

Assume Mr. Allan, a Brazilian national, first enters the U.S. in December 2018 to look for employment. He remains in the U.S. for two months through February 2019, and finds the perfect job. Mr. Allan leaves the U.S. February 28, 2019, returning to Brazil. His American employer assists him in obtaining a green card.

Undertaking standard pre-immigration tax planning, on March 15, before Mr. Allan returns to America, he sells appreciated stocks so that the gain will not be taxed to him once he becomes a U.S. resident. Mr. Allan’s green card is issued in July 2019, and he moves permanently to the U.S. on August 1, 2019.

Mr. Allan met both the substantial presence test and the green card test in 2019. His RSD is the earlier of the two dates he was first physically present in America when meeting each test. Since the first day of physical presence in America for 2019 was January 1, the sales of appreciated stocks occurred while Mr. Allan was a U.S. tax resident, and he will be taxed on the capital gain.

Think Before You Go

Foreign nationals navigating the intricate landscape of U.S. tax laws must use foresight and strategic planning whether they are getting green cards or simply spending significant time in America. This is the surest way to safeguard financial interests amidst the complexities of global taxation.

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