And just like that, we’re back in a season of change.

Pivotal elections are set to be held this year in both the UK – where a prime minister election can be called at any time up until December 17 – and U.S. – which is in a Presidential election year. As we have learned in the last decade, these types of elections can have big ramifications on the global tax landscape. That means corporations – and more specifically the tax policies affecting those corporations – are guaranteed to be in the limelight.

It begs the question: How can corporate finance and tax departments prepare for the coming storm of potential economic and reputational impacts?

The Ghosts of Tax Reform Past

If this sounds all too familiar, it’s because it is. When the UK voted to exit the European Union eight years ago – which came to be known as Brexit – it created a massive shift in global tax policy. While most of the doomsday predictions that Brexit would start a recession that would rival the 2008 stock market crash didn’t pan out, there were deep and eventual consequences.

Many major multinational financial firms made and executed contingency plans to move staff, balance sheet assets, and in some cases, entire headquarters out of London and to other EU hubs like Frankfurt, Brussels, and Paris. That shift of corporations’ profits to other countries resulted in a significant tax revenue drop off for the UK.

What’s more, complications emerged due to the shift in Value Added Tax (VAT), a consumption-based tax that is applied at each point in the production and sale of goods and services. The VAT structure in the UK was directly linked to the EU’s common market structure. So, for example, if a farmer sells corn to a processing company for $1, the processing company then sells high-fructose corn syrup to a soda company for $2, and the soda company sells the consumer a two-liter bottle of soda for $3, each of the three producers has a value-added of $1. In a VAT environment, each $1 profit in the supply chain would be taxed. Likewise, expenses at each leg of the chain are used to offset the tax.

When the UK exited the EU, it required a reconfiguration of its VAT system to accommodate the newly introduced customs duties and tariffs that would now exist on all goods being imported or exported to other parts of the Eurozone. The result? Higher costs of imports and exports, which had corporations and citizens alike on the razor’s edge.

American History Tax

While Brexit is undoubtedly one of the most significant examples of an election upending the corporate tax structure, a look at the U.S. shows there is more than one way to create huge vulnerability for corporations.

When President Donald Trump rolled out the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), it represented one of the biggest reforms the U.S. tax code had seen in decades. The tax penalty for violating the individual mandate under the Affordable Care Act was eliminated, the deduction of state and local income tax, sales tax, and property tax (SALT) was capped, and – most importantly to multinationals – corporate tax rates were significantly slashed from a tiered system that went as high as 39% to a flat 21% tax. Additionally, the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) was eliminated.

Then, after President Joe Biden was elected, he moved quickly to shift the landscape all over again. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law in 2022, which effectively reversed these key corporate provisions in the TCJA. Most notably, the IRA reinstated a CAMT, placing a minimum 15% tax onus on all companies with at least $1 billion in book income. That reversal was huge, and it took many companies that teeter on the edge of that threshold by surprise.

The Vast Unknown

All indications point to the back half of 2024 as a time we could likely see a new round of tax-focused volatility, and that is leaving corporate decision makers in a quandary. What steps can they take to make sure they’re aligned if they don’t even know what changes to prepare for? Unfortunately, the answers just aren’t simple.

Even as corporate finance professionals try to forecast what each political candidate may do if they’re elected, the year ahead is sure to bring us surprises that no forecaster saw coming. Companies will have to ensure their key stakeholders are preparing their departments to be agile and have an infrastructure in place to make decisions in real time on quantifiable, comprehensive data, even when uncertainty is a central part of the equation. Businesses will have to be cognizant of how both new compliance requirements will affect their day-to-day operations too, as lack of compliance can be a quick path to becoming a political target and living through a reputational nightmare.

That means the stakes are high, and at times like these when everyone is focused on what will change, it’s important for business leaders to focus on the things they can control. For corporate tax and financial professionals, the key to building a bullet proof tax story will be data integrity, regulatory hypervigilance, and a process that is quick and decisive, even in the face of the unknown.

Read the full article here

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