The AI research and presentation tool Tome recently conducted a survey and discovered that those who began using AI in the past 18 months are now reporting significant increases in earnings.

We’re witnessing a divide forming between the AI “haves” and “have-nots,” affirmed the CEO Keith Peiris of Tome. Those who are AI-savvy are now beginning to dramatically outperform their peers.

How Has AI Impacted People’s Productivity & Earnings?

The study found that many individuals in sales and marketing roles, in particular, are now using AI in some capacity. This could simply be ChatGPT, but for many it goes much deeper into AI tools for presentations, email, research, lead generation, marketing — you name it. AI is now quite entrenched in the workplace.

Here’s the first surprising finding: of those who have adopted AI at work, the survey asked if they had a correlating increase in productivity; 96% reported an increase.

Of those individuals, when asked if that productivity increase led to an increase in their earnings, 93% said, “Yes.” When asked “by how much,” the responses ranged from as little as $1,000 to as high as $1 million. However, most people stated their income had increased by tens of thousands of dollars, while 40% of respondents reported increases in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How To Guide

The survey went on to ask about the specific tools people were using to perform these tasks.

Here are the top 10 identified.

What can anybody working in any role do to increase their income and productivity using AI? How can they improve their workplace using AI? I had the opportunity to interview two of the founders of the most used AI companies on the planet.

Here is what Keith Peiris, founder of Tome, and John Rampton, founder of ArticleX, suggested during my interview with them.

Step 1: Think beyond ChatGPT and find tools purpose-built for things you spend time on.

We’re living in the Age of AI, and thousands of tools have cropped up over the past 24 months that you’ve likely never heard of. But you have to ask—which AI tool might change your life? ChatGPT is an amazing tool, and it ignited this entire movement, but it’s just one of thousands.

For example, everyone makes presentations. You make presentations to share your ideas internally, organize projects, and sell to customers. You, in theory, could use ChatGPT to generate copy and Mid-journey to create and generate images, and you copy and paste into Google Slides. But Tome does much more than that. It is a presentation tool that is built for persuasive communication.

Let’s say you’re making a sales presentation. With Tome, you can input your target’s company name, the tool they currently use that you’re looking to replace, and any other basic info. Tome can pull data from sources like Salesforce and auto-generate a presentation your sales target would assume took you weeks to prepare.

The sales team at the unicorn Stytch adopted Tome and 12X their revenue in the past 12 months. The ability to personalize and customize presentations with just a few prompts has been hugely valuable for their team.

You should examine where you spend your time and proactively seek tools that can help you. Tome is just one example.

Step 2: Don’t just focus on AI tools for transactional communications — analyze your deep work.

The utility of AI in helping you nail an email, presentation, or blog post is obvious. We want all our communications with others (particularly when you’re trying to influence them to do something) to be as polished as possible, and it’s evident that’s what LLMs are quite helpful with.

But, if you’re looking to truly up your game, save time, and free yourself to pursue higher-value activities, you need to use AI to improve the quality of the time you spend on “deep work.” Here’s an example. There’s a tool called They conduct detailed surveys of thousands of people each month, feed that data into their AI model, and can predict the results of any focus group with 99% accuracy.

Imagine having a crystal ball where you could ask things like: “Should we make the “buy now” button on our website purple or yellow if we want to drive higher conversion rates with Gen Zs?” And voila, instead of spending $100k on A/B testing, you simply know the results – fast. That is how granular has become. They’re now a critical tool for Amazon, TBS, prominent startups, and Fortune 500 employees.

Integrating AI tools like into your workflow can dramatically shorten research cycles and make data-driven decisions that align your offerings with consumer expectations.

The takeaway is that you can no longer afford to be passive when familiarizing yourself with AI tools that can automate mundane tasks and free you from higher-value activities.

Step 3: Integrate AI Seamlessly into your daily tasks.

According to Keith Peiris, founder of Tome, integration is key to making AI a valuable asset rather than just another tool. Start small by automating routine tasks and gradually increase the complexity of tasks you delegate to AI. For instance, begin by using AI for scheduling and email management, then progress to utilizing AI for customer interaction and lead generation. The smoother the integration, the more natural it will become to rely on AI for complex decision-making and strategic planning.

On a practical level, here’s one tool that basically applies to everybody. No matter what your line of work is, you likely rely heavily on Google. But Google was designed literally 24 years ago, and not much has changed. You browse third-party websites to find what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a needle in a haystack, you could search for hours.

John Rampton, founder of ArticleX, stated, “Whatever your job is, you can easily use AI to repurpose that work. For example, you can effortlessly add podcasts to your content and social media with this ‘all done for you’ system.”

Enter: Perplexity. Perplexity is like ChatGPT, but it’s connected to the Internet. So, instead of ever using Google to find information, you can just ask it a question: what were the annual sales of the top 10 automakers in the U.S. in Q4, 2023? It will give you an answer. The time savings are almost unimaginable. Time savings, according to Tome’s survey, are crucial to increasing your income (as they enable you to spend your time on income-producing activities rather than non-income-producing tasks).

Step 4: Measure the impact and adjust strategies accordingly.

To truly benefit from AI, you must track its impact on productivity and earnings. Set specific metrics to evaluate whether AI implementation is meeting your expectations. These could include saving time, increasing the number of leads generated, and improving customer satisfaction. Use this data to tweak your AI usage, focusing on areas with the most significant return on investment.

Step 5: Stay updated and evolve with AI advancements.

AI technology is rapidly evolving. Staying informed about new tools, updates, and best practices is essential. Participate in industry forums, subscribe to tech newsletters, and attend relevant workshops or conferences. By keeping abreast of AI developments, you can continually refine your toolkit and strategies, ensuring you maintain a competitive edge.

By following these steps, professionals can significantly enhance their productivity and increase their income using AI. It’s clear that AI technology is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in how business is conducted. Those who proactively embrace AI will find themselves well ahead of their peers in both efficiency and earnings, solidifying their place in an increasingly AI-driven market.

Read the full article here

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